Ear Wax Removal

At Birdsong Audiology, we use both curettes and irrigation for cleaning your ears. A curette is a small tool that can be used to manually remove ear wax from your ear. Irrigation involves gently using water to remove ear wax.

$45 per ear

Managing Ear Wax

Ear wax can be great! It protects the ear from dust, bacteria, and small objects from getting into the ear. Wax normally migrates out of the ear on its own and can be wiped or washed away from the outer part of your ear.

If you happen to have wax that is produced quicker than it can migrate out of your ear, you might eventually get impacted wax. This kind of wax is not great, since it can be uncomfortable and block your hearing. Don’t reach for a cotton swab - you’ll likely just pack the wax in deeper!

The best way to manage wax on your own is usually with water or ear wax drops (don’t do this if you’ve recently had ear surgery or if you may have a hole or tube in your eardrum). The other option is to come in for an appointment and we can take a look and make recommendations for you.